Asset Allocation
All the information that you need to make better allocation decisions
Get your portfolio balanced right
Find the funds that align with your investment strategy

400 industry indices spanning all our asset classes
Identify over or underweight funds
30 strategy reports
See top level strategy performance
75 people moves reported a month
Keep track of key investment personnel
Identify the right managers
Data to support your manager selection and due diligence

Over 100 new launches reported each month
Identify new managers that match your selection criteria
100,000 fund profiles on the platform
Get detail on managers offering less transparency
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Filter the investable universe to find your best matches
Benchmark and compare funds
Make smarter allocation decisions

400 industry indices across all asset classes
Track performance of managers on your radar
40,000 Manager profiles
Track investment talent
20 performance statistics per fund for you to compare against
Compare and rank funds
Network with your peers
Catch up with peers and meet new managers at our industry leading events

30 events a year globally
Meet new managers and make allocations
2,000 investors attend our events annually
Be in good company
60,000 key contacts in the database
View and search key contact’s profiles related to the institutions within our database